Tag Archives: long term care
Is Long-Term Care Insurance On Its Death Bed?
When I started my business in 2000, there were about 140 insurance companies marketing long-term care insurance products. Today, just a handful. About seven offering standalone products if you count the federal program for government employees. More if you include insurers offering hybrid designs that include a life insurance or annuity component. Collective premiums in
The Wish Act – Appropriately Named
Another attempt at long-term care funding. The WISH Act: Well-Being Insurance for Seniors to be at Home. Do we need it? Sure. Only 10% of Americans aged 50 and older have long-term care insurance. Yet most of us will experience a long-term care event once we reach age 65 and beyond. Average long-term care expense
Washington Cares Fund Doesn’t Care
As one financial advisor commented this week, most Washingtonians haven’t a clue about this new tax. And they won’t until they see it in their paychecks. As Steve Moses of the Center for Long-Term Care Reform has so aptly opined, the WA Cares Fund is what happens when the Keystone Kops design a long-term care
Tips To Boost Your Brain
Brain Power Exercise is great for your general health, find out how it helps fight aging from Aging IQ.
5 Reasons Why You Need To Plan For Long-Term Care
It’s not a fun topic. We get that. But it just might be the most important thing you do to protect your financial security. Here are five key reasons: Most Americans aged 65 and older will need long-term care. Who Needs Care? | ACL Administration for Community Living It’s not covered by Medicare. Medicare | ACL Administration
Top 10 States For The Lowest Cost of Care
Long-term care expense planning is complex. A lot of factors need to be considered to put in place the appropriate product, coverage and premium. Like what you ask. For starters, your health history, wealth, asset location and financial goals. When we get to the cost and coverage, we need to understand where you would reside
You Are What You Eat!
I’m sure that you’ve heard the phrase, “you are what you eat.” But have you heard the term “COVID body?” Or watched the plethora of weight loss ads on TV? Now new research reports that frequent eating of restaurant fare could shorten one’s life. As reported, it doesn’t matter if restaurant food is eaten in
Is It Morbid? No, It’s Mortal.
My dad is 100 years old. He has two long-term care insurance policies. Yes. We’ve dealt with rate increases on both. We’ve reduced coverage from lifetime to four years. And are about to reduce coverage again due to another rate increase and his life expectancy. He’s well beyond his life expectancy and still going strong!
Thank You For Being A Friend…Want To Home Share?
Definition: An arrangement whereby several participants live together in one home. The participants share the costs. Are you single? No kids? No family nearby? Lonely? Retired or soon to be? Worried that you will be an elder orphan? A Golden Girl living arrangement may be to your liking. It was September of 1985 when the