Welcome to our Blog!
Welcome. I’m Nicole Gurley, creator of Long-Term Care Insurance America.
I help people protect their assets and income from the expense of long-term care by providing funding solutions appropriate to their health, wealth and financial goals.
After a career in financial services, healthcare and insurance along with my sweet mother’s 14-year struggle with dementia I formed my own insurance brokerage. I have experienced firsthand the impact that dementia can have on a family both emotionally and financially. I also know that our experience was not unique.
Over 70% of people over 65 are going to need long-term care and that someone is going to have to pay for the care. We focus exclusively on long-term care expense funding which today includes insurance products, of course, but also other funding options.
And now we’ve started Long-Term Care Insurance America as an educational resource because we think having a plan for long-term care is important for our families, our states and our country at large.
Lots of people write about long-term care. We work it from beginning to end. That means funding strategy through the claims process. For most of us there is no substitute for experience. We are hopeful that our experience will be helpful to you.
Where do you see yourself?

Planning for retirement. Engaged a financial planner. Maximizing your 401(k). Serious about financial security. See long-term care as a major threat. How will you fund the expense?

Pursuing your bucket list. Concerned about outliving your income. View long-term care as the major threat. How will you fund the expense?

Suddenly Single
You’re on your own. Divorced? Widowed? Life and finances have changed. You realize you’ll have to pay for a caregiver. How will you fund the expense?

You’ve experienced a health event. Long-term care insurance is no longer an option. How will you fund the expense?