Category Archives: Favorite articles

Three Long-Term Care Insurance Options

We’re often asked what long-term care insurance product we like the best or recommend. Our response is always, “It depends.” We’re not trying to be evasive. It just depends on each client’s health, wealth and financial goals. Currently, there are three long-term care insurance (LTCI) products in the market: standalone or traditional, life insurance based

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Long-Term Care is Double Trouble for Women!

Long-Term Care is Double Trouble for Women!

In my work with couples it’s quite common for one spouse/partner to want long-term care insurance and the other to be disinterested. Wanna guess which is which? It’s usually the older, six-foot plus, 300-pound plus guy that is disinterested and the five-foot, 100-pound spouse that is keenly interested. Big guy vows he will never need

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Does Medicare Pay for Long-Term Care?

Years ago, I managed the regional multi-state Medicare business for a large, well known insurer. Frequently, I would hear stories about a person aging into Medicare who had talked to a friend who worked with a guy that knew an expert who told them that Medicare paid for long-term care (LTC). Still today it’s not

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