Tag Archives: elder orphan

If Not Now, When?

It’s October. Pumpkin contests. Halloween. Start of 4Q20. COVID-19. Masks. Social distancing. Impeachment. Acquittal. Recession. Elections. Protests. Riots. Supreme Court justice death and nominee. Debates. Sports sans fans. West Coast fires. All-time low interest rates. And the list goes on. The ultimate understatement To say 2020 has been challenging is the ultimate understatement. We all

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Robotic Caregivers! Is This Our Future?

In previous blogs, we’ve written about the shortage of caregivers and the likelihood that many baby boomers are destined to be elder orphans. In his Think Big article on robo-caregiving, Joseph F. Coughlin, director of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology AgeLab, explores how our aging demographics and advances in technology are creating innovative changes in

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